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Customize the analysis parameters

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Under the Parameters section of your analysis, you can customize certain ratios allowing you to have the most accurate analysis for your client. You'll similar ratios as you've seen on the General Parameters window, however the changes you'll make here, will only impact the current analysis.
  1. Scenarios
  2. You can give your scenario a title; whether it be "potential", "current" or anything you see fit. This can be helpful when you want to compare 2 distinct analyses.
  3. Start Date
  4. Select an Analysis Start Date. Be advised that this selection will affect your analysis. If you choose May 1st for analysis start date and the rent increase is scheduled for July 1st, you will notice the rent increase for Year 1 in the financial section for the report.
  5. Annual Depreciation Rate
  6. The rate which diminishes the property's value on a yearly basis. Generally, it's 4%.
  7. Marginal Income Tax Rate
  8. This rate will calculate the amount the property owner or potential owner will have to pay to the Government.
    Please note that this is not a mandatory field mostly if you want to exclude income tax amount in the Financial Forecast.
    Moreover, the client is not obligated to share this information if he doesn't want to. The Resale Yield will not be affected.
  9. Taxable Portion of Capital Gain
  10. Represents the taxable portion of the capital gain (Current law ruling sets it at 50%).
  11. Capital Gain Exemption
  12. Represents the tax exemption on the capital gain which belongs to the owner or will belong to the potential owner (Current law ruling sets it at 0$).
  13. Depreciation at year 5
  14. Check this box if you want the amortization amount to be displayed at Year 5 on your Financial Forecast report. Under normal circumstances, an analysis assumes that you will sell the property after 5 years, therefore the amount will not be included at Year 5.
  15. Income Growth Rate
  16. Rate for increase of the property's income. This information is used in the Financial Forecast section of the software.
  17. Expense Growth Rate
  18. Rate for increase of the property's expenses. This information is used in the Financial Forecast section of the software..
    Be advised that Year 2 means the growth rate between Year 1 and 2. Year 3 shows the growth between Year 2 and 3; so on and so forth.
  19. Save
  20. Click on Save to save your new information. If you click on the arrow, the data will be automatically saved and you will be moved to the next window
Mots clés::  analysis ,  capital gain ,  change ,  customize ,  parameters ,  rate ,  ratio