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Reserve an Appartment

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The appartment tab allows you to make reservations for future or current tenants. Here are the steps to do it:

  • Appartment's list: You first need to start by selecting the appartment that you want to reserve. You go on the appartment tab and then on the appartment's list. Finally, you clcik on the desired appartment.

  • Reservation: Once you're in the appartment file, you need to click on the button Reserve.

  • Data gathering: Once the reservation window is open, we need to enter the reservation information. So, you enter the lease dates, identification (tenants), the detailled price and the documents.

  • Confirmation:After you've entered all the data, you can reserve it officially by selecting the Reserve button at the bottom right. You can also rent it by clicking on the Rent button. The software will create a future lease for this tenant this way..

  • If you've rented the appartment after the reservation, all the information entered in the reservation file will be transferred to the lease and you can visualize it through the left menu under the appartments or directly in the lease tab by searchning Leases-Future. You can also reserve an appartment in several locations like after a service call for a location or an appointment for location, in a lease directly and through a contact's file.

Mots clés::  reserve ,  reservation ,  unit ,  future ,  tenant ,  lease