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Change your user name

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You can modify your current identification by clicking on the Modify button. You will have to inscribe your new identification and the reason for the modification. However it is not mandatory.
  1. Information about your iAnalyzeREI account
  2. Here, you will find information relative to your account. You can visualize your subscription's end date, the automatic renewal as well as the used and available space for your picture. You can send a request to end your subscription by clicking on the appropriate button.
  3. Payment method
  4. You can change the payment method for your account. Enter the card number, the expiration date and the cardholder's name. A message will be send, telling us your information has changed and we will update your account. Check the box on the left of the analysis in question, then, click on Archive.
Mots clés::  change ,  identification ,  modification ,  modify ,  subscription ,  user name ,  username