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Make a backup copy (limited or automatic)

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Here's how to perform a limited or automatic backup copy.
  1. Create a limited backup copy

  2. This bakcup copy will be saved in the file Backup of Real Estate Manager
    1. Top menu, File, Backup copy
    2. In the box Location, it should read C: /Documents and Settings/xxxxx/Mes Documents/Proprio Expert/Backup

    3. NOTE: If such is not the case, but that you wish all the same to save your copy at this place, please click on the button with the yellow folders beside the Location box and choose the following access path: C:/Documents and Settings/xxxxx/My Documents/Proprio Expert/Backup

      NOTE: If you wish to save your back up copy elsewhere in your computer, please click on the button with the yellow folders beside the box Location and decide which access path is best.
    4. Click on the button Create a backup copy

    For more safety, you can also send your safety copy on the Magex Technologies' servers. See the link below for the procedure to follow.

  3. Create an automatic backup copy

  4. This procedure will allow you to get a backup copy according to your desired frequency. You just have to transfer this procedure to your computer technician
    • Create a repertory C:\Magex\BackupSolution

      1. Save the following files on the server computer:

      2. Open this file using Memo pad (Menu Start, Programs, Accessories, Memo pad)
      3. Modify the line < add key="ClientName" value="xxx">

      4. In fact, it is replacing xxx by your name
        NOTE: you can change this repertory by editing the Backup.exe.config file on the line
        C:\Magex\BackupSolution\ />
      5. Save changes in the top menu, File, Save
    • Program the frequency of the recording
      1. Go at menu Start, Control panel, Scheduled Task
      2. Click on add scheduled task
      3. Click Next
      4. Click Browse
      5. Select the file Backup.exe
      6. Choose the frequency which is appropriate to you by clicking in the appropriate element
      7. Enter the password to have access to the server (2x)

      8. NOTE: If the password for the server changes, the task will not be carried out.
      9. Click on Close.
      10. Test the task
        • Click on the added task with the right button
        • then Execute

        • A black window should appear and the backup data of Real Estate Manager should be located in the above-mentioned repertory.
Mots clés::  back up ,  copy