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Insert my own building rules and regulations

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A rules and regulations list is provided by default by the software. If you wish to customize this section by inserting your own rules, you will have to proceed as follows:
  • Copy the rules and regulations from a word-processing software
    1. Open the document containing your own building rules (Example is: Word document)
    2. Select the text to be inserted, therefore your rules
    3. Go in the top menu, Edit, Copy

  • Paste the rules in Real Estate Manager
    1. Go in the left menu, Data, Building, tab Rules
    2. Click in the large white box
    3. Press “Ctrl” and “v” and maintain them inserted at the SAME TIME to paste the text previously copied

  • Apply these rules to all buildings
    1. Go in the left menu, Misc., Letters & Notices
    2. Select Other models of letters in the section Letter Option
    3. Select the model Rules by default
    4. Modify the text in the upper right corner of the window

      NOTE: You can erase all the text, then press on “Ctrl” and “v” keys that you will maintain inserted at the SAME TIME to paste the rules previously copied
    5. Click on Record

    After that, in the window Building, Rules, when you will press on Insert Text by Default, your rules will be displayed automatically.
Mots clés::  rules ,  regulations ,  insert ,  how