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Generate a report

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  1. Report Selection
  2. Under the Report tab, you can generate your report. To allow you full control as to what you print, you can check/uncheck any information you wish to show or not show on the report. If you wish to exclude a complete section of the report, simply uncheck the checkbox next to the Header you wish to remove.
  3. Building Complex Analysis
  4. If you check this option, you will be able to calculate the overal profitability of a building complex. Of course, the properties will have their own analysis and you need to select them.
  5. Analyses Comparison
  6. This option will allow you to compare up to 10 properties or scenarios for the same property. Of course, additional property analyses and scenario analyses will need to be created to be able to do the comparison.
  7. Parameters
    • Customer's name: Enter your client's name or the name of the person whom the analysis is for.
    • Report Language: No matter the language of your interface, you can generate the report in English or French.
    • Add Page Numbers: Checkmarked by default, this will number the pages of the report.
      You can also change the template of the report; you can choose a default template or add your own.
    • Preview: Click preview will generate the report; depending how much information you've entered/chose, the report generating process can take up to 1-2 minutes (also varies according to your internet connection). You'll know it's ready when you see a Continue button underneath Preview. Clicking Continue will open the report in a PDF format (Adobe Acrobat Reader required).
  8. Send by E-Mail
  9. This option will open up a new window allowing you to send the report in PDF format by Email. Unlike the Share option (under Tools), you can send the pdf report to anyone, even non-users of iAnalyzeREI.
Mots clés::  analysis ,  comparison ,  building ,  complex ,  customer ,  generate ,  language ,  name ,  report ,  send