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Add a Manual Invoice

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Monthly billing has been improved and now it is possible to invoice other than rents. You can now charge a contact, a lease, an apartment, a house and even charge another company. Charge management fees has never been so easy for management companies.:

  • Collecte: Click Add to add a new invoce.

  • Issuer: Select the issuer of the invoice .

  • Assign: Select to who you assign the invoce, to a company or a client.

  • Date: Enter the date of the Invoce by clicking on the calendar at the top right and selecting the desired date

  • Entity:: You select either company, building or apartment to indicate to which entity is the article for refund. .

  • Description: You enter the invoice item in the description box and the amount of this product in the right amount box. Taxes and the total will be calculated automatically. If you want to add more than one item, you must click add invoice item and perform the same procedure. You will see a list of items for which is made billing.

Mots clés::  Invoce ,  manual invoce ,  create invoce