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Detail leases

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iAnalyzeREI will give you the choice to detail the leases or not. If you choose no, you will be forwarded in the Income window. If you choose yes, you will be able to create your leases one by one. You can add an unlimited number of leases. We strongly suggest detailing the leases (if the information is available) so you can obtain a more accurate analysis.
  1. Add a Lease
  2. If you've already added a lease and you see your list of leases, click on Add on the right hand side of the screen to add a new lease. Or if you are currently finishing up your first lease, click on Add a New Lease.
  3. Modify a Lease
  4. If you wish to edit a lease, simply click on it (or check mark it and click on Modify). iAnalyzeREI also allows you to edit more than one lease at a time. Checkmark each lease you wish to edit and click on Modify. The change done in the lease window will affect all leases selected. This is an efficient way to modify multiple leases without having to do the modifications one by one.
  5. Delete a Lease
  6. If you wish to remove a lease, check the box next to the lease to be removed and click on Delete on the right hand side of the screen. You can delete multiple lease at once by selecting all the ones you wish to delete.
  7. Copy a Lease
  8. Select the lease you wish to multiply by checking the box next to it and click on Copy. This will allow you to create multiple leases at once thus increasing the efficiency in creating the analysis. By clicking on Copy, it will ask you how many copies you wish to create; note that you can not create more than 99 leases at once. Once you've entered the quantity required, click on Copy.
  9. Other Offered Services
  10. This section allows you to specify services included in the property. These will not have an impact on the resulting report.
  11. Save
  12. Click on Save to save your new information. If you click on the arrow, the data will be automatically saved and you will be moved to the next window
Mots clés::  add ,  change ,  commercial ,  delete ,  detail ,  lease ,  modify ,  residential