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Enter the salary of an employee

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This operation is carried out via the window Expenditure. Here's how to proceed:
  1. Enter the employee as a supplier to select him/her later in the window Expenditure. For more details on this operation, refer to the link in the bottom of the page.
  2. Go in left the menu, Accounting, Expenditure
  3. Click Add
  4. Select the name of the employee in the suppliers' list
  5. Record an invoice number in the designated box.

  6. NOTE It can be a real or dummy number
  7. Specify the date
  8. Enter element of the employee's pay under distinct item.

Example with the gross earnings

  1. Record Gross earnings in the Description field
  2. Specify the account number related to wages (e.g. 5910)
  3. Enter the amount without taxes, i.e. that the tx box must be deselected at the right of the box where you enter the amount of the item.
  4. Link the Gross earnings to the company in the right box.
  5. Click on the small blue diskette opposite the total in order to record the item.

Repeat preceding steps for each element of the pay like deductions at source.

Mots clés::  enter ,  salary ,  employee