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Use a line of credit with Real Estate Manager

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The processing of a line of credit is done in just two steps: addition of the line of credit and its repayment.

For more details on specific procedures, please refer to the corresponding links at the bottom of the page)

A. Addition of the line of credit
The addition takes place in the Chart of accounts and in the General Journal.

  1. Create a Short-Term Liability item in the Chart of accounts. (Example: 2141 - Line of credit)
  2. Add an entry in the General Journal to enter the line-of-credit amount.

    Here's an example for a $1,000 line-of-credit entry

    1060 Current account at DEBIT $1,000
    2140 Line of credit to CREDIT $1,000

B. Line-of-credit repayment
Here's how to process the repayment with or without interets.
  • Repayment WITHOUT interest
    1. Add an entry in the General Journal opposite to the one registered at the creation of the line of credit.

      for a $1,000 line-of-credit entry

      1060 Current account to the CREDIT $1,000
      2140 Line of credit to the DEBIT $1,000

  • Repayment WITH interest
    1. Add an entry in the General Journal which takes account of the interest.

      Here's an example of an entry for a $1,000 line of credit to which 50 cents interest is added.

      1060 Current account to the CREDIT $1,000.50
      2140 Line of credit to the DEBIT $1,000 $
      5030 Interest and bank charges to the DEBIT .0.50
Mots clés::  credit ,  General ,  Journal ,  line ,  refund