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Process 'Post-dated cheque and pre-authorized payment to use'

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The window Post-dated cheque and pre-authorized payment to use appears when the system detects, during collection, that there is a post-dated cheque or a pre-authorized payment previously recorded which can be used to pay a rent.

Example: The invoicing was carried out before you created your series of cheques or direct debit.
  • Entry in BLACK
    Post-dated cheques (PC) or Pre-authorized payments (PAP) appear in black and are already checked when the date of the PC or PAP is less or equal to the date of the due rent.

    Example: A post-dated cheque dated February 15 could be used to pay the rent of March 1.

    If you do not wish to use this cheque or this payment to pay the rent displayed in the column Invoice Date, deselect the box opposite this cheque.
  • Entry in RED
    If the PC or the PAP are dated February 1 and that the due rent is of January 1, the original cheque or payment will appear in red and will not be checked by default. The reason for this is that it's most likely that the PC or PAP dated February 1 will serve to pay the February rent not the January one.

    You should not use this cheque. If you wish to do so, then check the box opposite the cheque.
Mots clés::  post-date ,  cheque ,  perception ,  red ,  Pre-authorized