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Realize a quick analysis

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The Quick Analysis will allow you to generate a profitability report with only the basic vital information (Income, Expense, Financial information).
  1. Income
  2. Add the property's income. You can either detail it (Rent, Garage, Laundry, etc...) or if you uncheck detailed income, you can simply input a unique amount that encompasses all of the property's income either per month or year.
  3. Income Losses
  4. To insure an accurate analysis, you'll need to detail the vacancy rate and bad debt. You can either add a percentage or an annual amount by choosing the adequate option.
  5. Recurring Expenses
  6. You can enter the property's detailed recurring expense or, if you uncheck Detailed Recurring Expenses, you can input one amount that counts for all the property's expenses. You can specify the expenses by a percentage or a yearly amount.
  7. Acquisition Cost
  8. This is where you input the property's price (or estimated price). Be advised that this would be the price you are willing to pay for the property.
  9. Down Payment
  10. Simply input the amount you wish to put down as a down payment for the property. You can either put in a percentage of the property's cost or a fixed amount.
  11. Mortgage
  12. Input the amount or percentage of the property's cost that will be financed by a financial institution. Be advised that the amount chosen for the mortgage has to exclude any financed fees (ex: Premium Tax, Realtor's Commission, etc...). If there are any additional fees that are to be financed, add the total amount or percentage in Financed Fees.
  13. Balance to Finance
  14. Under this section, you can detail of the mortgage: Amortization, interest rate, Payment frequency and compound interest. The result will be your mortgage payment.
  15. Parameters
  16. Under this section, you'll be able to adjust certain ratios about the analysis:
    • Quick Analysis (Commercial) : Check this if your analysis is for a commercial property
    • Total Units : Number of units in the property. This data will allow you to calculate the price per unit.
    The following ratios can also be configured under Preferences - General Parameters.
    • Cash on Cash Rate (before taxes) : The ratio of annual before-tax cash flow to the total amount of cash invested, determined as a percentage by the owner-to-be.
    • Marginal Income Tax Rate: Consist of being the current owner or owner-to-be's percentage of taxes paid (or to be paid). If the user doesn't want this data into the Financial Forecast section of the report, he'll need to write down 0%. The user's clients are not obligated to reveal their personal tax information; although it would allow them to obtain a possible resale price for the property. This option can be adjusted so it comes out on the report and their clients are at least aware of this possibility.
    • Debt Coverage Ratio (DCR): Ratio required by the Financial Institutions so they know the investment is not too much of a risk. The minimum required is 1,20%.
    • Appreciation: The property's increased value on a yearly basis. In general, it increases by 2% every year.
  17. Pictures
  18. To add a picture to an analysis, click on Pictures, located in the top left menu.
  19. Detailed Analysis
  20. If you wish to have a more complete analysis, click on Detailed Analysis on the left hand side of the screen.
Mots clés::  quick ,  analysis ,  profitability ,  report ,  basic ,  commercial ,  income ,  expenses ,  pictures ,  ratio ,  parameters