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Link a landlord and a manager to a building

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There are three ways of accessing the window Link a Landlord to the Building:
  • Top menu, Information, Link Landlord-Building
  • Left menu, Data, Landlord, icon Link in the upper right corner
  • Left menu, Data, Building, section Landlord, chain link icon
  1. Choose the building to be linked to a landlord with the top drop-down list.
  2. Select a landlord in the left list.
  3. Click on the right arrow to link the landlord.
  4. Enter the shares owned by this landlord using the box below the right list
  5. Record this information using the diskette at the right of this box
  6. Select in the linked landlords list (on the right) the owner named Building Manager
  7. Check the box Manager.


You can link several owners to a building in repeating the above steps. In addition, there must be at least one manager per building.

The owner designated as “Manager” will have to sign correspondence and leases unless you indicate the name of the signatory in the tab Mailing List of the module Letters & Notices.

Mots clés::  link ,  how ,  landlord ,  manager ,  building ,  sign