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Pay a surplus on a credit card

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We can't apply a payment that is over the balance of a credit card if we pass through the disbursement module through the credit card payment. We must proceed this way:

1-Enter an expense in a choosen account (for instance: Credit Card paid in advance) to the ammount that you have paid in surplus, and pay it by credit card (the amount in the ammount case must be negative).

2-Register another expense (not an article) with the same account (for instance: Credit card paid in advance), but this time with a positive ammount and paid the same way that your credit card has been paid (for instance: internet).

This way, the balance of your credit card will appears negative and you will have the possibility to reconciliate the ammount paid. The account used for the operation will get back to even also.

Mots clés::  surplus ,  credit card