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Add a Contact

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The contact tab lets you visualize all the contacts linked to your buildings (tenants, landlords, managers, caretakers, etc.). You can add them by clicking on the add button to be able to use them later in your different sections. Here is the information you'll need to enter:

A) If you choose the simplified display mode (at the bottom left, building):

  • Company:you choose for which company you want to add a contact.

  • Identification: you enter the name of the person, his sex and language.

  • Informations: email adress..

  • Pictures: You can include a picture of the contact by selecting a file registered on your computer. To do so, you click on select a file and you go browse the file.

  • Adress: The adress type, the civic number, the street, the appartment number, the city, country, state, zip code. We can add more than one adress for a contact by clicking on add and by entering the information needed..

  • Telphone: you enter the number type (cllphone, fax, residential), the number and extension. We can add more than one number by contact by clicking on the add button and entering the information.

  • User: we can specify the user role in link with the software (no access, manager, administrator).

  • Document: it is possible to include important documents linked to the contact. You have to click on select a file and then rowse the file on your computer to open the one desired.

B) If you choose the detailed display mode (bottom left of the screen) :

  • Informations: you enter the birthdate, the social insurance number, his employer and his working function.

  • Signature You can also include the contact's signature to use it on different documents. You have to click on select a file and browse your computer to find the file.

  • When you'll click on the contact tab, you'll see the list of all your contacts appear. To visualize one in particular or to modify him, you have to click on him and you'll see all of his information displayed. To modify something, simply click on modify just below his name, To deactivate, , you need to click on the button to this effect and once it is done, the contact will apear only in the inactive contacts list..

Mots clés::  enter ,  contact ,  insert ,  how ,  landlord ,  supplier