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Add an account to the General Ledger chart of accounts or modify the numbers

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An update made it possible to make the chart of accounts more flexible. Here is how to add or modify a General Ledger account.
  1. Modify the numbers of the chart of accounts
  2. It is advisable to modify numbers of the chart of account so that any future addition or modification is made according to this notation. By default, account numbers are as follows:

    • 1000 to 1999 = Asset
    • 2000 to 2999 = Liability
    • 3000 to 3999 = Equity
    • 4000 to 4999 = Income
    • 5000 to 5999 = Expenditures

    To modify these numbers by default so that they correspond to your accounting chart, please perform the following steps:

    1. Go in the top menu, Accounting, General Ledger, General Ledger Accounts
    2. Click on Modify the Numbers, located under the numbers by default
    3. Modify the numbers for each category of account
    4. Click on OK

  3. Add an account in your General Ledger chart of accounts
    1. Go in the top menu, Accounting, General Ledger, General Ledger Accounts
    2. Click on Add to empty the text boxes
    3. Enter the new account number
    4. Enter a relevant description regarding the account's function
    5. Choose the category of your account

    6. NOTE Notice the chart of accounts structure. It represents the various categories of accounts. If you do not respect the hierarchy of the chart of accounts, a message will appear advising you of the error in the lately modified structure and the accounts in error will be identified in red.
    7. Specify the Class for the categories Asset-type Account or Sub-Account.

    8. NOTETo add an account in the list of accounts linked to a bank account, the new account must be of class Bank.
    9. Save by clicking on the blue diskette with green + to the right of the account description
Mots clés::  add ,  chart ,  account ,  accounting ,  General ledger