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Enter other income

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  • Other income related to only one building
  • The example used for this procedure relates to laundry income.

    1. Go in the top menu, Accounting, Collection other income
    2. Check the building to which must be allotted the additional income
    3. Choose the date on which you collected the amount
    4. Select the bank account related to the deposit in the drop-down list
    5. Enter the account number 4015 - Laundry income box Account or choose another account with the magnifier+ /li>
    6. Indicate in the Description box something like this: Laundry - October
    7. Enter the collected amount in the box Cheque or Cash as the case may be (usually cash)
    8. Click on Collect

  • Other income related to several buildings
  • The example for this procedure relates to interest income.

    1. Go in the left menu, Accounting, Expenditure
    2. Recod the entity (individual, company or other) considered as source of income in the drop-down menu (example: Caisse Desjardins)

      NOTE: you have the option to create or not a supplier file for this other source of income

    3. Indicate a description which will facilitate your management in the section Invoice Number (example: Sept. 2008)
    4. Indicate the nature of the income in the section Description (example: Interest income)
    5. Select the relevant income account in the list by clicking on the magnifier + or manually record it in the appropriate box (example: 4410 - Interest income)
    6. Enter IN NEGATIVE the amount of income so that it is credited (example: - $5)
    7. Link the expenditure to the building concerned by selecting the item Build. and by checking buildings in the right box

      NOTE: to allot the income unequally, click on the blue triangles. You will find more details in the procedure linked at the bottom of the page.
    8. Select the method of payment Cash in the drop-down menu of the Disbursement section, in the upper right, just opposite the mention Method of payment
    9. Select in the drop-down menu at the right of the mention Paid with… the bank account in which the money will be deposited
    10. Record the transaction by clicking on the blue diskette at the top of the window

  • Other income related to the company

  • The example for this procedure relates to Commission income.
    1. Follow the procedure concerning the invoicing and customer's collection linked at the bottom of the page.
    Mots clés::  other ,  others ,  Laundry ,  income ,  incomes ,  interest